Attending the Father's Day Car Show at Oak Brook Mall is a tradition for us now. It's a great chance to see some cool cars while meandering through an outdoor mall, with plenty of shade to help enjoy the afternoon (instead of bleaching in the sun out in a parking lot). There is always an eclectic mix of cars at this event, including some interesting pre-war cars that are rare to see outside of an invitational event like this.

I am always game for some Shelby action, especially when it’s from 1967. Love the long hood. Love the inset grille fog lights. It would be interesting to contrast the driving experience of the small block GT350 version like this VS the big block GT500.

It’s easy to say “I’m not into the really old pre-war cars” - too old, too primitive. Until you see something like this Alfa Romeo 8C, and then you get it. So many cool details. Bags of character. You want to know the story of a person driving a car like this. It takes character to spend your Lottery-sized haul on something like this vs. a new Lambo. I think this is way cooler.

These early chrome bumper Panteras are cool. I love the black and white color scheme on this one. I could do without the modern wheels - I much prefer the original Campagnolo alloys. To me, the only real drawback of these Panteras is the driving position, but I guess style like this does require some compromise.

This 1931 Packard is OG gangster. I wonder how crazy it would be to try and drive something like this in modern traffic. I bet if you had a couple of guys in suits hanging off the running boards with tommy guns they would clear out pretty quick.

Something interesting happens when you add woodwork to a car. Real woodwork like this 1922 Citroen 5CV Torpedo. The resemblance to a classic speed boat is very cool. The engine turned dashboard is also a very neat detail. It would be interesting to see what this car looked like before it was restored. Overall, a very nice day at a car show celebrating Dads.